Amongst them:
- The skies, oceans, heavens and earth came into existence
- Prophet Adam and Hawa were created
- Prophet Adam's taubat accepted by Allah swt
- Prophet Isa (Jesus) raised to the skies
- Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) received the status of Khaleelullah
- Prophet Yacob (Jacob) met Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) after 40 years
- Prophet Noh's (Noah) ark came on land
- Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon) received his kingdom
- Prophet Ayub regained his health
- Prophet Musa (Moses) rescued his people and Allah swt drowned the Pharaoh at Red Sea
- Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) grandson, Hussein bin Ali (ra) was martyred in Karbala
Abu Qataada (ra) has related that the Prophet (pbuh) has reported to have said, "It is my thought that by fasting on the 10th of Muharram Allah Ta'aalaa will pardon the sins of the past year." (Tirmizi). Shaykhain Tirmizi & Haakim has narrated from Anas (ra) the following verse: "Allah may forgive thee of thy sins that which is past and that which is to come." (Al-Fath)
The Jews are said to fast on the 10th Muharram due to Prophet Musa's victory over the Pharaoh, therefore our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked the Muslims to fast on this day, and a day extra either before or after, to differentiate the Muslims from the Jews.