People in love never want to admit that human promises are temporary. They promise each other faithful love, a good and easy life...they promise "forever." But we are only human.
People break their promises all the time, sometimes out of ill-will, and sometimes simply out of their fragile humanness. It is only Allah (swt) whose promises are never broken and whose promises are eternal.
"Allah has promised the believing men and believing women gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they abide eternally, and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence; but approval from Allah is greater. It is that which is the great attainment" (9.72).
Allah promised believers Jannah, and His approval and satisfaction with us. When Allah (swt) promises us something, it is not like a promise of a human being. His promises are not contingent on other people or circumstances or a short lifespan. He is the Ever-Living and His promises are absolute.
We also promised something to Him. We made a covenant with Allah (swt) when He first gathered all the souls that would ever come into existence. We all recognised and testified to His Oneness, acknowledging that no being is worthy of worship except Him. That was our covenant, our contract, our promise. Most of humanity has broken this promise.
But still, He gives us blessings and He grants us all that we ask and He promises us something far better than what we have. There's something better waiting for us than the broken pieces of this life that we are desperately trying to glue back together. He promises us forever. On the condition that we fight against our fragility and selfishness to uphold our promise to Him, too.
"So be patient. Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth" (30:60)
- Asmaa Hussein
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