Thursday, March 29, 2012

sadness, will you leave me alone?

what do you do when you cannot shake off the sadness? when you tell yourself to look at things positively and bask in the sunshine and this time, it does not work? what do you do? what do you tell yourself when you read the verses of Al-Isnyirah to ease your heart and it doesn't work? what do you tell yourself when sadness overwhelms you?

it is ironic that i wrote about throwing out your sadness out of the coffee mug, drawing similarities it might have with cold coffee and replacing it with a hot one that provides you with warmth and happiness, but today finding myself overwhelmed with sadness that not even a hot mug of coffee would console me.that trying to throw out that cold leftover coffee is an effort in itself.

i am supposed to be positive right? that with every heartbreak, every sorrow, every sadness, there will be the balm for it especially in prayers to Allah. do you think if i cry enough, the sadness will leave me? that if i pray hard enough, the sadness will go and my heart will have some ease and feel consoled?

sadness overwhelms me today but yes i will not let it rule me or dictate my day. i shall pray to Allah and hope that sadness will go and leave me alone.


  1. ...i can relate, i am sad myself...but it never leave...stays close by and make its presence felt...

  2. hi tina, i wish you all the happiness that life can give you, the happiness that will overcome all the sadness even when it makes its presence felt. take good care and be happy :)
