Friday, December 28, 2012

recapture the dream

I want to come back to you
want to feel happy
about you again.
I want to look up at your eyes
and giggle with glee
not see the reflection
of the pain
pic via
you've caused me.
I want to feel merry and good
and grateful for your love
not distant and remote
and somewhere far above.
I want to fly to your arms
like a child
sailing off a swing.
I want to remember
the warmth
your loving can bring.
I'm so tired of the chill
the winter
the snow.
Can't we rekindle the fires
and bring back the glow?
So much between us
so much sorrow
it would seem...

Monday, December 24, 2012

a reminder

Once a man saw in his dream, that a lion was chasing him.The man ran to a tree, climbed on to it and sat on a branch. He looked down and saw that the lion was still there waiting for him.The man then looked to his side where the branch he was sitting on was attached to the tree and saw that two rats were circling around and eating the branch. One rat was black and the other one was white. The branch would fall on the ground very soon.
The man then looked below again with fear and discovered that a big black snake had come and settled directly under him. The snake opened its mouth right under the man so that he will fall into it.The man then looked up to see if there was anything that he could hold on to. He saw another branch with a honeycomb. Drops of honey were falling from it.
The man wanted to taste one of the drops. So, he put his tongue out and tasted one of the fallen drops of honey. The honey was amazing in taste. So, he wanted to taste another drop. As he did, he got lost into the sweetness of the honey. Meanwhile, he forgot about the two rats eating his branch away, the lion on the ground and the snake that is sitting right under him.After a while, he woke up from his sleep.
To get the meaning behind this dream, the man went to a pious scholar of Islam. The scholar said, the lion you saw is your death. It always chases you and goes wherever you go.
The two rats, one black and one white, are the night and the day.Black one is the night and the white one is the day. They circle around, coming one after another, to eat your time as they take you closer to death.The big black snake with a dark mouth is your grave. It’s there, just waiting for you to fall into it. The honeycomb is this world and the sweet honey is the luxuries of this world. We like to taste a drop of the luxuries of this world but it’s very sweet. Then we taste another drop and yet another.Meanwhile, we get lost into it and we forget about our time, we forget about our death and we forget about our graves.
Imam Ghazali, from

Sunday, December 16, 2012

antara doa dan harapan

Janganlah kelambatan masa pemberian Tuhan kepada mu
padahal engkau bersungguh sungguh dalam berdoa
menyebabkan patah harapan
sebab Allah telah menjamin menerima semua doa
dalam apa yang Ia kehendaki untuk mu
bukan menurut kehendak mu
dan pada waktu yang ditentukanNya
bukan pada waktu yang engkau tentukan.

-Terjemahan Al-Hikam


Sad is a place that is deep and dark
like the space under the bed.
Sad is a place that is high and light
like the sky above my head.
When it's deep and dark
I don't dare go there.
When it's high and light
I want to be thin air.

pic via
Sometimes sad is big
It's everywhere, all over me.

                                   Sometimes I'm sad and I don't know why
                                   It's just a cloud that comes along and cover me up.

Where is sad?
Sad is anywhere
it comes along and finds you.

                                            When is sad?
                                            Sad is anytime
                                           it comes along and finds you.

                                                                                       Who is sad?
                                                                                       Sad is anyone
                                                                                      It comes along and finds you.

Excerpts from
Michael Rosen's Sad Book

Thursday, December 13, 2012

cinta dari syurga

kita menagih
cinta manusia
kita tahu
bahawa ia tidak sempurna
bersifat sementara
dan kekadang
mengundang dusta.

sukar untuk kita
menagih cinta
yang Satu
kita tahu
bahawa itulah
cinta yang teristimewa
yang teragung
yang sempurna
yang kekal
lagi abadi.

"dariNya kita datang
dan kepadaNya kita kembali"

Apakah kita terlalu alpa
kita lupa
bahawa cinta yang Satu itulah
cinta dari syurga?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


dalam termanggu
kusebut namaMu
biar susah sungguh
mengingat Kau 
penuh seluruh.

panas suci
bagai kerdip lilin
di kelam sunyi.

aku hilang bentuk
kembara di negeri asing.
pintuMu ku ketuk
aku tak bisa berpaling.

-Zubir Ali -

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Finding my way to You

I realise
more than other days
for some of us
we would have
to lose
and everyone
we love
we can
our way

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Rumi on love, poems and dance

In Your light, I learn how to love
In Your beauty, how to make poems
You dance inside my chest where no one sees You
but sometimes I do
And that sight becomes this art.

- Jalaluddin Rumi - 

Friday, November 30, 2012

how time flies

oh my goodness. i did not realise i have left this long. i supposed that is how busy i must have been.  i know i had wanted to write many times, finding my thoughts drifting to places, subjects and things i wanted to pen down. but i supposed there were always more urgent things that needed to be done first, relegating this to second and then to none. oh well, time passed so quickly and it is december first today. still cannot believe that it is already the last month of the year and 2013 is already knocking on the door. another year gone by... boys are growing. ruiz will be 11 in two months time, already at the edge of teenage years, i wish he would stay the same, the chubby youngest baby of mine, always there for me, the one who holds my hands when he sees me crying, the one who always seems to understand me better than the rest, the one who lets me hug him and roll around with him until he gets tired of it and shout in laughter to be released. soon, he will grow to be a young man and eventhough the love is there, and insyaAllah growing, it would never again be the same. there won't be those lying in bed together, looking at the ceiling, telling jokes and laughing, the occasional bear hugs shared by a child and his mom, the stolen kisses on his chubby cheeks and his shouts and screams because he has had enough of being kissed by mommy. anyhow, i shall not dwell in that for now. it only makes me sad.  now it is all good, and he is still my little baby, and i can still kiss him and hug him and make him yelp and yell for mommy to let him go. thaqif unbelievably will turn 13 a few days from now, and amazingly completed his first year away from me, in the boarding school in Baling, Kedah. he survived it and i survived it eventhough i must say, the thought of him going back there when the school holidays are over is not something i look forward to. i still sometimes wish i can bring him home, back to a school here, have him with me all the time, for as long as i still can. then again, why even bother going there? i cannot be selfish now, can i? and thoriq, growing so fast, already a young man, having turned 16 last month. with a mind of his own, always rebelling in a quiet way (well, not all the time) but always coming back to me, alhamdulillah. typical teenage stuff, lots of "u don't understand, mommy". makes one go crazy sometimes. then again, i was once like that too wasn't i?

how time flies...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

finding Allah this Ramadan

Do you usually enter Ramadan with high aspirations and promises to yourself that in time you find you cannot keep? Well, I do and half of time, I fail to do what I set out to do, failed to complete the Quran last Ramadan, failed to wake up in the middle of every night for tahajjud (late night prayers), failed to increase my ibadaat to Allah, failed in not wasting my time in unproductive chats and behaviour. This year, I am reminding myself to be more realistic. I no longer go to the office, so chances of getting myself slipped into unproductive chats and doing unproductive things might lessen considerably, but I do now spend more time on social network due to my research work. So I am telling myself to lessen my postings of news and articles that may drag me into labelling, judging and even gossiping about others. I tell myself to listen to the readings of various surahs of the Quran when I am online, and also when I am stuck in that time of the month when I am unable to fast and solat, so that I can insyaAllah feed and purify my soul. I tell myself to make du'a for others and to not wallow in what others may say about me, in the negatives that is. I tell myself to push the thoughts of "gossiping' about others eventhough I am actually just having the gossip between me and my mind. I am yet to know if I may succeed, and only time will tell. InsyaAllah everything is how it should be at this point, and could be better. Then again, it is only the first week of Ramadan and currently the second day of the second week, so there is still sometime to go. I hope that even if I slip after this, I will not lose hope, get up, and keep on going as best as I could.

There is after all so much to derive from this month. Ramadan is a month of mercy and we are told that this is the month when the gate of heavens are opened and the gates of hells are closed and losing one's opportunity in making as much ibadaah and duas would be such a big loss, one that we cannot even begin to imagine. And I know I have lost too many, and fully aware that I may not have as many opportunities in the future. With each day and year and each minute, the chance of redeeming myself, of increasing my ibadaah and catching this best time in the year is lessening. Therefore I am striving ahead, and as my sister reminded me last night at my parents' house after iftar, I should be charging ahead in the last ten days of Ramadan rather than slowing down because that is where the treasure lies, in that very last ten days. So someone, please remind me to prepare for Eid, and bake my cookies way before that last ten days, eventhough there is always a big chance of my cookies making a disappearing act by the time it is Eid if I start baking early ;P

Anyway let me share with you this reminder that struck me at my very core. This is a quote taken from sister Yasmin Mogahed's page,

"Don't let this Ramadan be just a holiday of rituals. Don't finish reading the Quran without it transforming you. Don't feed your body at suhoor, but starve your heart of Qiyam. Don't reduce this downpour of mercy to just a month of sweets and lavish iftars. Seek Him, you will find. Take a sincere step towards change, transformation, redemption. If you do, you will find Him infront of you. Find Him this month. He's been there all along. Closer than your jugular vein. Look and you'll find. Walk and you'll arrive."

Let's all find Him this Ramadan, insyaAllah.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

from Rumi IV

Whenever you are alone, remind yourself that Allah has sent everybody else away so that there is only you and Him.

- Jalaluddin Rumi -

Welcoming the holy month of Ramadan

In welcoming the holy month of Ramadan (eventhough I am 6 days late putting it out here):

Peace be upon you, 
O, month of fasting
Month of night vigil
Month of Qur'an
Month of forgiveness
Month of security
Month of glowing lanterns
Month of sleepless eyes
Month of scented pulpits
Month of burning hearts

We welcome you O blessed month, month of opportunity, redemption and hope.
May you be the means for our lives to change, our faith to be rekindled and our hearts illumined in His nearness.

Excerpt from an article, 
"A Fresh Page, A Defining Moment: Ramadan This Year" by Shazia Ahmad

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Listen...and stop being sad

But listen to me;
for one moment, quit being sad
hear blessings dropping their blossoms around you.
Days full of wanting,
let them go
by without worrying that they do.

- Jalaluddin Rumi

Monday, July 2, 2012

perhaps, we are meant to be?

I tried to let go, but fate brought you back.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

when sorrow is a blessing

I saw grief drinking a cup of sorrow and called out, "It tastes sweet, does it not?" 
"You've caught me," grief answered, "and you've ruined my business. How can I sell sorrow when you know it's a blessing?"

- Jalaluddin Rumi -

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

if we never make it

i am going through a difficult patch where personal relationship or love is concerned right now. infact, there has been an increase of rough patches of late, one after another. it makes me wonder if we will make it through, if this is a sign that sometimes certain things are not meant to be no matter how hard you try. it makes me wonder if it is time to let go and walk away.  i feel tired but most of all i feel sad. i tell myself that Allah knows best, and i tell myself that the ultimate love i should seek is Him and to have a man who loves me in my life and to love back is just a bonus. it is true what has always been said, "you can plan but Allah shall determine it all." i have sadness in my heart but in Allah i shall leave my fate, my future and my life, and to Him i should give my heart. if only things are as simple and as easy as they sound...

and you feel love...

Monday, June 11, 2012

caught in the instagram mode

Installed the Instagram apps on my IPhone 4S late last week and now I am officially hooked...

The green in my garden

Lazy Sunday




God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites, so that you will have two wings to fly, not one...

- Jalaluddin Rumi -

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

seeking the ultimate love

"Two years later, when Muhammad was eight, the man he now called Father, his grandfather also died. Mina was always saying that God loved Muhammad more than anyone else, but I didn't understand how that could be the case, why did Allah take everyone Muhammad loved away from him? "To teach him to depend on Allah only,' Mina explained. "But why?" I asked. "Because it is the truth, behta. Not a truth most can handle but truth all the same. God is the only One we can depend on, truly."" - American Dervish.

This morning, as I was reading Gail Tsukiyama's "Dreaming Water" about a girl who suffered from Werner's Syndrome, a disease that makes a person age at twice the rate of a healthy individual - I suddenly became worried about Adam. No, not worried if he might have that. He has passed the age to not be diagnosed with Werner. Meaning you start showing signs of the disease when you are in your twenties, and my Adam is well past that. I was worried about his ever increasing late nights, studying, preparing presentation, practising on his questions, and I was struck by the thought of what if all these late nights, sleeping at 2 or 3, sometimes even 4 in the morning would one day lead him to having aneurysm, an excessive localized enlargement of an artery caused by a weakening of the artery wall. When ruptured, it can result in hemorrhage and more than often can be fatal. I have a friend whose husband who was on a business trip and were to leave for home the next morning, was asked by his colleague to have coffee at the hotel's coffeehouse. Despite already being ready for bed and had actually told his wife goodnight and reminding her to not forget to pick him up from the airport, he changed and went down anyway. When he entered the coffeehouse to join his friend, he bend down to tie his shoe lace, and slumped forward. No warning, no nothing, and there he was, gone. In this book "Dreaming Water", the girl's father died of the same condition. He came home, kissed his wife, went upstairs to change for dinner, and never came down. His wife found him half slumped on the bed, almost in a kneeling position, warmth already waning from his life, dead to the world, from the blood vessel burst in his head, with no meaningful last words left for his wife, for who could have guessed?

I know death is in the hands of God. Only He would know when our time is up. And a lot of times, even when we know that fact, we tell ourselves that we should stay healthy, keep a healthy lifestyle, take care of our mental and physical condition and eat well. When someone dies, especially when he dies young, we tell ourselves, "if only he had exercised" or "if only he had eaten well" or "if only he had gone for regular medical check-ups" and so on and so forth. What makes us think that if he had eaten moderately or if he had exercised all the time, and if he is on the dot for all his regular check-ups, he will not die anyway when comes the time? Point is, no one knows when death is near. People said there are signs, but do we see them? Perhaps, but only after that person is gone. Even then, I have heard of many who said that there were no signs or changes that they noticed before their loved ones passed on. And what about the person himself? Could he have noticed the changes in him, those signs of death coming your way 40 days before the actual day? Because I have never heard or read of anyone saying that they have the signs and they know they will die in just over a month's time. And after they are gone, unfortunately they cannot come back and tell us if they had seen those signs of death about to embrace them in the 40 days preceding but unable to say anything because that is just how is with one so close to death.

Anyhow coming back to me being worried about Adam, despite telling myself that even if he takes care of himself, and God wills for him to die at a certain time of a certain condition, he will anyway and there is nothing anyone can do to go against what Allah has willed. "But what if Adam leaves me, I will be alone,"  I thought to myself, and further tormenting myself with "And what if his time comes when we are just a few years in our marriage? How can he go when we have not even spent a lifetime with each other?" I know, by now you would think I am going bonkers. I am too and I was like "stop it" and I know if I tell this to Adam, he would be saying the same thing as well, "stop it." After all, that is how life is, we are going to die and leave people we love behind, or people we love will die and leave us alone.

Except, the fact is, we are actually not alone, if we look past things, if we look past our ego or nafs. If we learn to only love Allah or at best, love Him the most, beyond everything and everyone else in this world. It is His love that we should seek and strive for. The rest are all additional earthly matters, that even without, we can live with if we only have Allah's love. That brings me back to the passage above which I quoted from the book, American Dervish. About the Prophet (pbuh) having everyone that he loves taken away by God. Why is that Allah did that to him? If Allah loved him, why would Allah put him in such a painful and sorrowful situation? And yes as Mina said, so that the Prophet will realise that only Allah lasts, only the love for Him and His love would last, and that at the end of everything, the ultimate fact of our life is that we can depend on no one but Him. People we love and who love us will leave us, whether by death or other circumstances in life. But Allah... He never leaves us, will never leave us. That it is His love that we should strive for, that we should seek for to the end of times. And most times, we forget that. We are worried of losing the people we love, but we forget that we should be worrying about losing His love for us. We take for granted His presence. We hardly give a thought to "what if Allah leaves me, today, tomorrow, whenever?"

Then we will truly be alone. I remember my brother discussing that passage quoted above, and asking me what I understand of it. I told him exactly as I had understood at that time, that we can depend on no one else but Him. He told me there is more to it, said we will talk about it when he gets home to our parent's which was on that previous weekend I made the flourless brownies, but we didn't get the chance to talk about it further. Too many other wordly matters that took centre stage in our chat that night at our parent's. I don't want to forget that we have not spoken about it, I want to be able to hear his take on it, a broader view on what it is and learn from it, because he knows so much, his reading on all things related to the Beloved is vast. So, I shall not let him off scot-free the next time he comes back for a visit. I want to know more so that I will learn to put aside my nafs, the wants and the needs for all worldly matters and strive for Godly matters. Then again, I am only human, a sinner who stumbles all the time, who still want to love and be loved by Adam, my boys, my parents, my siblings, who feel that she can never live without this love and this people. But that does not mean I cannot try right? I may not even be fifty percent successful, I should not even dream of coming close to being like Rabia al Adawiyya, who lived only for the love of Allah, but then again, that does not mean I do not want to at least strive to love Him the most, to put Him above everything and everyone else in this world, to miss Him and to yearn for Him for as long as I live.

pic via sinners almanac
by taufiq abdul khalid

It is not too late to try right?  After all, everything can be if I keep on asking, and of course if and when He wills it... insyaAllah.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

flourless chocolate brownies anyone?

I made this the other weekend, a last minute decision when contemplating on making dessert for my brother and his family who were coming down from Setiawan to visit my parents. It was on a Saturday evening, so it was my usual time with the boys to have dinner with their grandparents, and my other brother and his daughter were joining us as well. The more, the merrier and the more reason I wanted to bake something for dessert to be enjoyed by the whole family. Thoriq for the past number of times have been wanting to eat flourless brownies and I never made any, and while contemplating on what to bake, I actually "ran" into the recipe of flourless brownies by that gorgeous kitchen diva, Nigella Lawson. Checked the ingredients required and eventhough there were one or two items that I do not have and need to improvise by replacing them with what I do have, I thought ok this is it. So brownies again, but totally different from my usual walnut and chocolate brownies or that sinful brownies with the orange zest cream cheese topping. This one as the name says is flourless and because of that, comes out really gooey, and you simply have to make the hot chocolate sauce to drizzle over the brownies and vanilla icecream (which you do not need but I must say is a must-have to complete this whole dessert).  Anyhow I baked it, took it to the parent's and it went down well with the kids and adults. There were some leftover and eventhough I would have loved to bring a little back, I needed to ensure that Ruiz sticks as close as possible to this diet I am putting him on (cut him off sodas and any sugary drinks, and make him have water 99 percent of the time, and cutting out all the sweets which means I have to bake less or I can bake but please donate or give away three quarter of what I baked, have brown rice at home which I have already introduced and makes up half of the rice cooked nowadays, and I am considering just buying only brown rice when I finally run out of the white rice I have currently, cutting his portions to half, and having more sandwiches, omit the white bread of course). The reason he has to be put on a diet is because he weighs more than mommy does and although he is cute and round and chubby and you just want to hug him and wish you can pinch him and roll around with him all day long (which he hates), I don't want his weight to get out of control which will be a lot worse for him if I start later. I just started him on this diet like for the past week and a half and we will see how it goes.

Anyway coming back to the brownies, due to that diet for Ruiz (which helps me control my chocolate and sweets intake as well), I did not bring any leftovers home. Mak told me last night when I saw her that the leftovers were gone rather quickly the next morning, so I am glad everyone enjoyed it. Therefore, I would love to share the recipe with you brownie lovers out there. Make sure you make the hot chocolate sauce, plonk a good scoop of vanilla icecream over the brownies, drizzle the hot chocolate over but do not overdo it, and have a great time. And since I did not have the chance to take pictures of it, I am sharing Nigella's picture of the brownies (which are professionally taken by the way as compared to any of mine). So enjoy and have a chocolatey brownie Sunday everyone.

flourless chocolate brownie
pic via

225g dark chocolate
225g butter
2 tsp vanilla extract
200g caster sugar
3 eggs, beaten
150g ground almonds
100g chopped walnuts

Chocolate sauce:
75g dark chocolate
125ml double cream
2 x 15ml tbsp Camp coffee or 2tsp of instant espresso powder 
dissolved in 2tbsp water (I replaced this with 2tbsp or slightly less of nescafe)
1 x 15ml tbsp golden syrup

for the Brownie:
1. pre-heat oven to 170C
2. Melt the chocolate and butter gently over low heat in a heavy based saucepan
3. Take the pan off the heat, mix in vanilla and sugar, and let it cool a little
4. Beat the eggs into the pan along with the ground almonds and chopped walnuts

Turn into a 24cm square tin or use a foil one. Bake in the oven for 25 to 30 minutes. The top will have set but the mixture will still be gooey (the top for my brownie was rather crisp i must say). Once cooler, cut carefully (recommended to cut four down, four across into 16 squares, though I cut smaller and had more squares).

for the sauce:
1. break up the chocolate and put into a heavy based saucepan
2. add the remaining ingredients, place pan over a gentle heat and let everything melt together
3.once everything has melted, stir well, take off the heat and pour into a jug to serve

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ramblings of a sinner

Alhamdulillah I am done with my defence. Yes, it was actually sorted out and now I am making the necessary amendments and preparing for data collection which makes up chapter 4 of all my six chapters, and still hoping to push for a completion of my research before or by year end. Life is with its usual ups and downs, I am constantly struggling over not seeing Adam for what is already over a year, and the fact that his schedule is so busy we can hardly put a time to actually settling down. He is leaving for Lousiana in a week's time to do his final rotation in Psychology, and this time it is for 6 weeks in which time, he will also prepare for his finals, the most important exam in his journey to become a medical doctor. He will be taking his exams closer to home in New York or New Jersey and then completing another eleven to twelve weeks of electives before he is done for good insyaAllah. But then again, that is before he starts his residency and you do not even want me to start with all the things he has to go through to get there - interviews, applications, matching, headaches. As for our life together, I honestly do not know what is in store for us. One day we are fine and another we are not, struggling over our busy schedule, being thousand of miles away from each other and now this additional challenge of not seeing each other for the longest time. I am leaving it to Allah to determine the future for us, and if we are meant to be together, we would insyaAllah settle down at the end of this year, and if it is not, then Allah knows what's best. As for any heartache that ensues, I will deal with that if it so happens. Right now, I am hoping and working for the best with Allah's blessings and trying to take things a step at a time, hoping for the best possible ending to my relationship with Adam.
separated by seas, thousands of miles away
being dramatic with this pic
It does not help to think of leaving and ending our relationship when he is a good man and the boys love him to the extent that they are already calling him daddy. At times I wonder what this is all about, meeting someone who lives too far away and trying to make it work but facing so many challenges, that there are moments when you hardly can see the light at the end of what seems like a long and never ending tunnel. Sometimes, I wonder if this is a sign that it will not work between us, and we should just go separate ways. But then again, I have prayed many times to Allah looking for signs from Him and each time, going back to Adam time and time again. And as I am a sinner and always stumbling in my journey to become a better Muslim, I can't say for sure I trust what I think are signs from Him for who am I to have that privilege of receiving signs from the Almighty when I am not even worthy of Him.

Speaking of heartache and being worthy of the Almighty, I read the other day about one of the attributes of Allah swt which is Al-Jabbar, a name that indicates Majesty and Strength. It is said that "the root of Al-Jabbar is ja-ba-ra and it has a wide variety of meanings indicating Allah's strength and majesty. One of the basic meanings of this name is the One who compels and restores, and demonstrates Allah's Majesty and Strength over His servants. This is a name for the tyrants and oppressors to be aware of , because their misdeeds will not go unpunished."  And this name has another dimension: "al-Jabbar is the One who is able to restore and mend what is broken."  It seems some of the great scholars when faced with great difficulties would supplicate "Ya Jabbir kul kaseer" which means "Oh You who mend everything that is broken." In the article I read, we are told to go to Allah when we feel broken, for He is the only One who can mend our state. And that we should not let satan stop us by making us feel hypocritical by only going to Allah when we are down. It says "Allah has named Himself al-Jabbar and given Himself this attribute, you cannot go to the One whose attribute is mending what is broken, and not be healed by Him." If we are to remind ourselves always of this blessed name al-Jabbar, Allah will mend our broken heart whether through a kind word from someone or through something else that happens along the way. "Call on Allah like the Prophet (pbuh) did , recognizing this attribute, and know that He will manifest this Name in our lives."

It does sometimes or a lot of times feel that way for me that is - like I am being a hypocrite going to Allah in times of trouble, doing lesser of dhikr when I am too busy (when it is all about finding and making time to be with Him), doing lesser of what is already little in my journey to Him, rushing through my solat, repeating life as a sinner and having the constant tug of war between doing good and evil (not that evil-lish, just that constant small sins that can amount to a whole lot. I get this picture in my head of the Angel on my left side furiously writing in my book of sins, and my left shoulder drooping downwards, oh dear).  It feels like who am I to ask Him for help in times of trouble, in times when I feel broken? Like what have I done to deserve His help? Am I not such a hypocrite for constantly failing to live up to my promises of being a better servant to Him? And here I am, having the cheek to ask Him to help me? Pleading with Him to give me relief when I cannot even be constant in pleasing Him? I am like knocking my head even before He does, and going "Helloooooooooooooo" at myself for thinking I deserve any help from Him in the first place. Most of all, it is always the shame that comes with it. Funny how you forget those shame, you repeat all the things that you should not be doing in the first place and then you find yourself in that awful shameful moment of knocking at His door again and again, and wondering should I even knock, maybe I should go and bury myself from all this shame I have, for I do not deserve His kindness. Then of course I remember (albeit the shame that's stuck with me) what Allah swt tells us in a Hadith Qudsi (sacred narration of Prophet Muhammad saw):

"O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you." (At -Tarmidhi)

SubhanAllah, Glory be to Allah. That is how there is no limit to Allah's forgiveness, eventhough our mistakes are numerous. This reminds me of what was written by the great sufi poet and philosopher, Jalaluddin Rumi about returning to Allah each time we sin and despite our shame, and what is also taught in sufism, which I believe I have once written here on my blog:

Come, come, whoever you are 
Wonderer, worshipper, lover of leaving, it doesn't matter
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vow a hundred times
Come, come again, come.

Come again even if you have broken your vow a hundred times. Such forgiveness from Allah, such Mercy. And here I am constantly struggling, and not deserving any of His Mercy, yet still asking. What does that make me?

I am late. It is past 2pm and I have yet to meet the Beloved and offer Him my Zohor (Zuhr, Dhuhr) prayer. Until later...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

gone tomorrow

Did you say it? I love you? I don't ever want to live without you. You changed my life... did you say it? Make a plan. Set a goal. Work towards it. But every now and then, look around. Drink it in. Cause this is it. It might all be gone tomorrow.

fairy tales don't come true

We all remember the bedtime stories of our childhoods. The shoe fits Cinderella. The frog turns into a prince. Sleeping Beauty is awakened with a kiss. Once upon a time. And then they lived happily ever after. Fairy tales. The stuff of dreams. The problem is, fairy tales, they don't come true.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

the passing of a sufi master

It's my wedding night!
With my lover, I will be
For that, make holiday.
Make dance.
Make festival.


inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon. syaikh raja ashman passed away on thursday night/ early friday morning at 1.30am at 54 years of age due to asthma attack. it was shortly after an evening of dhikr (offering prayers and meditations to God) with his followers, a normal occasion every thursday evening at the zawiya. it will always be my regret for not having had the chance to meet him for i have heard so much of his humble nature, his love and kindness to others and especially his devoutness to Allah and the beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), despite being a prince and of a royal family. may Allah bless his soul and place him among the righteous. to Allah we belong and unto Him do we return. Al-Fatihah.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

sadness, will you leave me alone?

what do you do when you cannot shake off the sadness? when you tell yourself to look at things positively and bask in the sunshine and this time, it does not work? what do you do? what do you tell yourself when you read the verses of Al-Isnyirah to ease your heart and it doesn't work? what do you tell yourself when sadness overwhelms you?

it is ironic that i wrote about throwing out your sadness out of the coffee mug, drawing similarities it might have with cold coffee and replacing it with a hot one that provides you with warmth and happiness, but today finding myself overwhelmed with sadness that not even a hot mug of coffee would console me.that trying to throw out that cold leftover coffee is an effort in itself.

i am supposed to be positive right? that with every heartbreak, every sorrow, every sadness, there will be the balm for it especially in prayers to Allah. do you think if i cry enough, the sadness will leave me? that if i pray hard enough, the sadness will go and my heart will have some ease and feel consoled?

sadness overwhelms me today but yes i will not let it rule me or dictate my day. i shall pray to Allah and hope that sadness will go and leave me alone.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wherever we set foot

On this wonderful Friday,

Wherever we set foot, it was Your street
Whatever corner we turned, it was Your name in the air.
We said, 'Surely there would be a road leading elsewhere?'
But every road we found, it led to You.

- Isma'il Anqarawi -

Juma'ah Mubarak everyone.

Words to lure the breath of that sweet One

pic via

These sayings of mine are really a prayer to God,
words to lure the breath of that sweet One.
If you seek an answer from God,
how then can you fail to pray?
How can you be silent, knowing He always replies to
your, "O Lord?" with, "I am here".
His answer is silent but you can feel it from head to toe.

Masnavi 2.1189-1191
Jalaluddin Rumi

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

from Rumi III

much to tell but too little time and have to make this a quick post. thaqif was home for a week and has gone back. everything good have to come to an end, eventually and unfortunately. it was hard to part ways for both thaqif and i, and he cried when i was leaving him and again that breaks my heart. on another more uplifting note, i have submitted my three chapters of research work which is also my defence proposal to the faculty last week, yes there was a mistake about the defence dates, and Alhamdulillah, Allah has eased my way, and insyaAllah in two to three weeks time, i will be defending my proposal. at the same time, i have gotten the green light to continue with my data collection part of the research and i am now terribly busy getting and going for the interviews and transcribing. the transcribing is the worse part and taking so much of my time, it is kinda driving me half insane there. a close friend who happens to be a lecturer and thus has gone through the same trying times told me i should listen to that old song "I will Survive". maybe i would take up his suggestion soon, ha ha. anyhow i have to run, because i have lots to do, and time waits for no man, in my case woman. just wanted to share these beautiful verses from Rumi with you as it touches my heart when i stumbled upon it, and it is something i wish to share with others. oh and the picture is courtesy of another blog which i should give credit to, but i can't seems to track it back. i will insyaAllah and when i do, shall post up the credit for the lovely picture which is a calligraphy i believe, and sketched beautifully into the figure of a whirling dervish. anyhow, i really have to run now, enjoy the lovely verses and have a wonderful day filled with sunshine everyone, and may Allah bless you always.

In Your light I learned how to love
In Your beauty, how to make poems
You danced inside my chest where no one sees You
but sometimes I do
and that sight become this art.

- Jalaluddin Rumi -

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

engraved on the stars

i cannot stop humming this song today. sung by yuna, the malaysian girl who is making it big in New York now is like a feel good song for me. if you hear me hum this song, you know i am in a cheery mood. the song is called, "terukir di bintang" which loosely translated in english means "engraved on the stars" and i keep singing the part "terukir di bintang, tak mungkin hilang, cinta ku pada mu" which again in english means "engraved on the stars, my love for you shall never fade". ewww maybe i can come up with a better translation for that another time. maybe it should be "engraved on the stars, i shall always love you". oh whatever it is, i am sure you get the gist of what it means.

anyhow this feel good song goes out to my three boys, ruiz, thaqif and thoriq and of course to the man i love in New York, my adam - and just because my love for you is engraved on the stars :)

as for the rest of you, enjoy the song. i hope it makes you feel good too...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

throwing out sadness from my coffee mug

today i wake up feeling weepy. maybe it is that time of the month (oh you know. if you don't, go figure). it was made worse when i was told by the post graduate centre that i missed the last date of defence for research proposal which was just last month when the irony was that i was presenting at my faculty on one of those particular dates instead (and to be told by one of the professors how he thought i have gone and passed through my defence). i actually already knew that i have missed the date as i browsed the post-grad website last night and saw the missed dates. but i had expected another new schedule for next month at least if not this month, and was told that i have to wait until may for the next defence session. my heart fell and i heard myself asking the lady on the other end of the phone "can't my supervisor arrange with the centre for a date for me to do my defence?" and i heard her giving me a sympathetic "no, i am afraid not." i tried further, "but i have presented at the faculty and what i have presented is basically what it is for my defence. i cannot wait till may, what will i do until then?" again she emphatised with me but told me firmly that there is nothing much she can do about it, because defence sessions are only held a few times each year. i found that such a stupid policy or procedure which would delay anyone like me from completing their research work earlier but what can i do?

i was determined to have things done, so there i was early in the morning, already making a call to my supervisor. one try, and no answer, two tries and no answer. biting my lips, and with a heavy heart, i told myself to give it a bit of time. less than ten minutes later, he called, mr supervisor i mean. i believe he heard the disappointment in my voice and told me i could prepare the paperwork for defence and in the meantime, i could start interviewing people for the qualitative part of my research. i was almost wailing (i hope not) "what am i to do till may?" he said to come in and see him next week and settle a few things, get my paper screened for plagiarism, have amendments done if it is over the percentage allowed, get all the paperwork and documents done (which i found is surprisingly quite a lot to deal with, but i am not complaining if only i have that defence done with, which unfortunately i won't) and then proceed with my data collection despite not getting a nod of pass and approval from that panel of professors  i was looking forward, albeit the nervousness, to meet.

by the time adam called at mid-morning, i was so weepy, that was all that was needed to trigger off the tears. i did not allow him to see my face on my iphone (facetime, if you do not know it yet), and when he asked me why, i told him i am pouting, which i realised now was ridiculous. he knew i was upset with him since last night when he was rushing to the hospital and told me to save money when i wanted a quick call before going to bed. so my weepiness must have started way before and maybe i should blame it on my women's special time of the month. so anyway there i was blabbering to him about how i missed him and how inconsiderate he was, and how i cannot get over the fact that i will not be seeing him this may, and how it will be until the end of the year before i make that trip to see him, and how my research work is going to be delayed by all the silly procedures, and how i need to complete my research by year end and have it done and over with as i had planned, and how i was trying to keep him happy by not complaining, and how i was trying to keep the boys happy by keeping my promise of taking them to New York and thus the need to save, save, save, and how i am tired of being strong and that i cannot find more strength but somehow always do (am i making sense here?), and how i am not as strong as him but i am stronger than most women (i do have time to demand some credit for myself, you know), and how i tell myself one day i am fine with not seeing him this may and then try my damndest luck to find ways and reasons to go see him, to which i tell myself i am being super silly because i have already decided that the end of the year is the best as i have the boys and will be a good time for us to settle down finally, and asking why is it things are so difficult, and adam just let me be weepy and listened.

when i was done, i realised how foolish i can be, that i should appreciate and be thankful for what i have instead of allowing myself to wallow in my sadness. everyone have sadness right? what good would it do to wallow in it? sadness comes and goes, at times forgotten. life still has to move on, and we need to look at all the positive things around us, count our blessings and be thankful for what God has given us.

i read somewhere that without trials and tribulations, we tend to forget Him, the Almighty. without trials and tribulations, life might be too easy and trivial and boring. we need some adventure to liven up our days, to fill up our souls, to move closer to Allah for in Him that we find everlasting love, everlasting hope, everlasting consolation and contentment.

i have certainly complained too much today. it is time i stop whining, step back, bask in the sunshine, say thanks to Allah, send my salaam to Rasulullah (pbuh), have faith in Allah for all the things that happened and the way events are being played out in my life, knowing He knows best, count all my blessings for all the good things in my life instead of complaining of what nots, and why nots, be thankful for my parents and siblings, look forward to my trip to bring thaqif home for a week semester break and my time with all my three boys, give thanks for adam, and stop short my despair. for what is there to despair? when there is so much i should be thankful for.

my happiness
is permanent
and absolute.

my sadness 
is transient
a temporary

i read that from Taufiq Abdul Khalid's writings (whose writings, i have been crazy of, of late if you had stopped to notice). and bingo, what he said in that poem is true.sadness is like that  left-over coffee in my mug this morning, it can be forgotten and then get thrown out. when replaced with good strong freshly brewed coffee, voila the rest of the afternoon will be all good and bright again.

until later, time to throw out what's left of that sadness in my coffee mug, time to bask in the sunshine ( i have to run and collect ruiz from school today as promised as he has a sprained ankle) and time to thank God for all i have rather than despair for what is not meant to be...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

mocha peach trifle

in the last few weeks, thoriq had been pestering me to make him some trifle, specifically the one with mocha and peach. i was going to do it before i left for my last trip to baling to see thaqif, but i was out of cream. and after that i decided to make chocolate chips for thaqif and thoriq basically had to wait for another week before mommy got her act together. i finally made some last monday and instead of a big bowl for the boys, i separated it into two bowls, with one being for my dearest friend vanessa and her family. when she heard me mention the trifle the last time, she was going "i want some too" and i would not be able to forgive myself if i made the trifle without giving her any. so the initial plan of one big bowl of trifle became two smaller bowls and believe it or not, the trifle i made in the evening lasted only until lunch time the next day. oh well, there goes my plan of having a few days of trifle. regardless what is important, i made thoriq happy and eventhough vanessa did not enjoy it as much as i was hoping (her complain being maybe too much mocha custard, which is weird because she is a coffee person and that is the reason she wanted it in the first place), i believed her boys and husband C enjoyed the trifle to a pretty far extent. anyhow, after posting the pics of the trifle, i was flooded (well i am exaggerating a little there) with requests for the recipe from friends. infact in the last few weeks, i have been recieving requests for a number of recipes including this chocolate chips i made for thaqif using oatmeal and three types of nuts. well i will post that recipe up and some pictures too to share here but for today, should you feel the need to have some trifle with a mix of mocha and chocolate, here goes:

1. coffee sponge cake
6 eggs
225 gm castor sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1 tbsp instant coffee, dissolve in a little hot water
225 gm all purpose flour
in a heatproof bowl, placed over a pot of simmering water, beat eggs, sugar, vanilla essence and instant coffee until slightly warm, about 55C/130F. transfer to a cake mixture and beat vigorously until fairly cool. sift flour into the batter in small batches and mix well. pour the batter into a 24cm cake pan lined with greased parchment paper and bake for 25mins at 185C/365F.

2. sugar syrup
1/2 cup castor sugar
1/4 cup water
4 tbsp kahlua liquer ( i use 1 tbsp vanilla essence as a substitute. can use coffee flavouring if you have any. otherwise, can also omit)
bring sugar and water to a simmer. cool before flavouring with kahlua (or vanilla or coffee flavouring)

3. mocha custard
4 cups fresh milk
2 tbsp instant coffee
10 egg yolks
2 tbsp custard powder
100 gm butter, chilled and diced
bring milk and instant coffee to a simmer in a saucepan. in a separate bowl beat egg yolks with sugar and custard powder until fluffy. add half of the warm milk from the saucepan. stir to mix and pour back into the saucepan with the remaining milk. stir and continue cooking until the custard boils and begins to thicken. remove the heat and add the chilled butter. stir until dissolved. chill the custard before use.

4. chocolate cream
200 gm bittersweet chocolate
1 cup whipping cream
place chocolate and whipping cream in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water. stir until the chocolate melts. remove from the heat.

to assemble:
you need coffee sponge cake, sugar syrup, mocha custard, chocolate cream and you also need 1000 gm canned cling peaches, drain ed (about 3 to 4 cans of halved or/and sliced peaches. i use masterchef brand. i like putting halved as layers and the sliced ones on top. alternatively, i also use the halved ones when i do not have the sliced ones available).

place slices of coffee sponge cake at the base of trifle bowl. drizzle with sugar syrup. arrange a layer of peaches over the syrup. top with custard and drizzle with chocolate cream. repeat until all the ingredients are used, ending with a layer of peaches. (i top choclate cream on the final layer before peaches and drizzle bits mpre on the last layer of peaches). chill overnight before serving. but if you cannot wait just like my boys, chill for at least a few hours  or one if in urgent need, before you start eating.

**psssttt...time for a confession. i do not bake the coffee sponge cake. i kinda cheated and got a coffee swiss roll from the neighbourhood bakery instead. cannot find any existing or available coffee sponge cake so far, but hey it's worked well so far. if you want to bake the cake, then the recipe is up there, so bake away. have fun trying and happy eating.

from Rumi II

the moment I first heard of love
I gave up my soul, my heart, and my eyes
I wondered, could it be that
the lover and the beloved are two?
no, they have always been one
it is I who have been seeing double.

- Rumi -